Monthly Archives: December 2021

Rotary Summer of Reading 2021-22 in Bruce Rock

poster promoting the Rotary Summer of Reading in Bruce Rock

Calling all Bruce Rock DHS students! You could win a $10 book voucher!

Rotary Summer of Reading 2021-22 in Bruce Rock

The Rotary Summer of Reading 2021-22 in Bruce Rock is underway!  The program rewards eligible students who utilise the Shire of Bruce Rock library and read this summer.
The Rotary Summer of Reading celebrates the anniversary of our first Rotary reading support program at Bruce Rock Shire Library.  We value the partnership between the Shire and our club.
We want to tap into the potential of the Shire library, so that we can encourage young people to love reading. Reading provides a pathway to better opportunities in life.

Who is Eligible?

The program is open to Bruce Rock DHS students who attended in 2021 or will attend by the end February 2022.

How You Qualify for the Book Voucher

The Rotary Summer of Reading will provide a $10 book voucher to eligible students who satisfy all the following conditions:
1. Borrow and read (or have read to them) a book from the Bruce Rock Shire library between 1 December 2021 and 28 February 2022.
2. Participate (by swimming or volunteering) in the Rotary Wheatbelt Swim for Reading on 5 February 2022 and fundraise for reading programs at Bruce Rock District High School.

There is a limit of one voucher per participating student.