Reading Rabbits and Reading for Life Literacy (Reading Incentive) Programs

Bruce Rock District High Students Reading

Bruce Rock District High Students Enjoy Their Reading

Rotary E-Club of Western Australia (“E-WA”)
Reading Rabbits and Reading for Life Literacy Programs

This document outlines our Wheatbelt Childhood Literacy Programs in Bruce Rock.

1. Overview

E-WA supports two literacy development (reading incentive) programs in Bruce Rock, both of which are designed to encourage Bruce Rock District High School pre-primary & year 1 students to read more books. The two schemes complement one another as follows:

  • Reading Rabbits encourages students to borrow books from the Bruce Rock Shire Library
  • Reading for Life. adds an incentive to the existing school reading program through the award of a $10 book voucher to any student who achieves a minimum of 120 nights reading in a school year.

2. Reading Rabbits (Bruce Rock Shire Library)

Eligible students: pre-primary and year 1

The Reading Rabbits program was adapted from a successful program with the same name
operated by the Rotary Club of Margaret River.  Reading Rabbits encourages the borrowing
of books from the Bruce Rock Shire Library through a scheme which operates as follows:
– child borrows book from Shire Library;
– child gets a stamp on their card;
– after 8 stamps, child gets a $10 book voucher redeemable via the Bruce Rock DHS book

3. Reading for Life (Bruce Rock District High School)

Eligible students: pre-primary and year 1

The Reading for Life program taps into an existing school reading support program that
measures the number of nights that a child reads, as confirmed by parental signoff. The
school acknowledges progress as students achieve milestones at 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200
nights. In consultation with Bruce Rock DHS Principal Fiona Yeats, E-WA agreed to provide a $10 voucher to any pre-primary or year 1 student who achieves 120 nights reading or better in the current school year.

Prepared by:

Kero O’Shea
Rotary E-Club of Western Australia(“E-WA”)